Phoenix UI

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Description List

An alert displays a short, important message in a way that attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task.


Below you can view various demos with example markup.


The alert component comes with three variants: filled, outlined, and standard (default).

Full name
Margot Foster
Application for
Backend Deveoper
Email address
Salary Expectation
Fugiat ipsum ipsum deserunt culpa aute sint do nostrud anim incididunt cillum culpa consequat. Excepteur qui ipsum aliquip consequat sint. Sit id mollit nulla mollit nostrud in ea officia proident. Irure nostrud pariatur mollit ad adipisicing reprehenderit deserunt qui eu.


The alert component comes with three variants: filled, outlined, and standard (default).

Full name
Margot Foster
Application for
Backend Deveoper
Email address
Salary Expectation
Fugiat ipsum ipsum deserunt culpa aute sint do nostrud anim incididunt cillum culpa consequat. Excepteur qui ipsum aliquip consequat sint. Sit id mollit nulla mollit nostrud in ea officia proident. Irure nostrud pariatur mollit ad adipisicing reprehenderit deserunt qui eu.


The alert component comes with four severities: error, warning, info (default), and success.


API documentation for the component. Learn about imports and available attributes.


There are multiple ways to import components.

    # PhoenixUI macro which imports all components
    use PhoenixUI
    # Or import component individually
    import PhoenixUI.Components.Alert


Below is a list of attributes that can be applied to the component.

Name Type Default Description
HTML attribute any Supports all HTML attributes.
align :center | :inherit | :justify | :left | :right :inherit Set the text-align on the component.
color any framework-provided color :slate The text color to use.
element Any HTML Element :p HTML element to use.
extend_class string Adds additional classes.
margin bool true If true, the text will have margin.
phx-{any} binding Supports all Phoenix DOM element bindings.
variant :h1 | :h2 | :h3 | :h4 | :p :p The links to use.